Hogeschool West-Vlaanderen
Howest Kortrijk
Sint Martens Latemlaan 1B - 8500 Kortrijk
Tel: 056 24 12 11
studentadmin@howest.be - Website: www.howest.be
Integration 35209/1620/2324/1/51
Study guide

Integration 3

Academic year 2023-24
Is found in:
  • Bachelor of Digital Design & Development, programme stage 3
This is a single course unit.
Study load: 8 credits
Total study time: 200,00 hours
Re-sit exam: is possible.
It is not possible to enrol in this course unit under
  • exam contract (to obtain a credit).
  • exam contract (to obtain a degree).
Teaching staff: Baert Frédéric, Bosschaert Cami, Cremers Jynse, Delanghe Klaus, De Rycke Ellen, De Weggheleire Koen, Diependael Kimberly, Duchi Frederik, Eeckhout Griet, Ganzevles Giliam Antonie, Vaernewijck Pieter-Jan, Vanherweghe Simon, Verweirder Wouter
Language course: No
Languages: Dutch


being enrolled for at least 22 ects credits in programme part (year) 3.


OLR01-T-3 Transforms the briefing into a distinctive concept
OLR02-T-1 Transforms a distinctive concept into a working end result.
OLR02-T-2 Iterates, based on feedback from various stakeholders, a prototype or product into a final solution.
OLR02-T-3 Provides arguments for the choices and ideas made
OLR03-T-1 Applies the basic principles of design in relation to the medium
OLR03-T-3 Creates a digital product that is consistent, user-friendly, and technically feasible
OLR03-T-4 Ontwerpt een digitaal product dat boeiend is, afgestemd op de hedendaagse vormgeving, passend bij doelgroep, klant en thema en beoogde doel.
OLR03-I-2 Explores and iterates to develop a unique visual language
OLR04-T-2 Independently solves errors that occur during the development of an application
OLR04-T-3 Uses code to create a functional, visual end product based on a creative concept
OLR07-T-2 Evaluates found sources for reliability and quality
OLR07-T-3 Follows the continuous evolution of the digital sector
OLR10-T-1 Applies provided self-evaluation tools substantiated


  • How to sessions
  • Guest lectures
  • Research, concept, design and technical consults related to the assignment(s)
  • Peer to peer consult
  • project week

Study materials

  • Author: Anurag Goel
Adobe Creative CloudMandatory
  • Author: Adobe
  • Publisher: Adobe
  • Edition: Recentste versie

Learning outcomes

PBADEVINE01: Uses several methods to analyse a briefing and to come to a digital interactive concept.
PBADEVINE01Uses several methods to analyse a briefing and to come to a digital interactive concept.
PBADEVINE02: Applies an appropriate work or research methodology in the different phases of a project to evolve from a creative concept to an operational final result.
PBADEVINE02Applies an appropriate work or research methodology in the different phases of a project to evolve from a creative concept to an operational final result.
PBADEVINE03: Has the necessary artistic design skills and the knowledge of the medium to realise a personal and creative project within the broad spectrum of digital interaction.
PBADEVINE03Has the necessary artistic design skills and the knowledge of the medium to realise a personal and creative project within the broad spectrum of digital interaction.
PBADEVINE04: Develops digital interaction with knowledge and insight in the present technological possibilities and experiments with future possibilities.
PBADEVINE04Develops digital interaction with knowledge and insight in the present technological possibilities and experiments with future possibilities.
PBADEVINE07: Critically follows and assesses domain-specific international trends and evolutions and integrates these in a personal, professional development plan.
PBADEVINE07Critically follows and assesses domain-specific international trends and evolutions and integrates these in a personal, professional development plan.
PBADEVINE10: Has a critical and investigative attitude with regard to his own creations.
PBADEVINE10Has a critical and investigative attitude with regard to his own creations.


  • Extramural activity
  • Lecture
  • Independent work


Evaluation(s) for first exam chance
exam period 1 (outside exam schedule)exam: specific method or combination of methods100,00
Evaluation(s) for re-sit exam
exam period 3 (august/september) (regular exam schedule)exam: specific method or combination of methods100,00