Hogeschool West-Vlaanderen
Howest Brugge
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Network and System Pentesting12137/1507/2223/1/62
Study guide

Network and System Pentesting

Academic year 2022-23
Is found in:
  • Applied Computer Science 2 - Ba Applied Computer Science, programme stage 2
    Choice package:
    • Keuze
This is a single course unit.
Study load: 3 credits
Total study time: 75,00 hours
Re-sit exam: is possible.
It is not possible to enrol in this course unit under
  • exam contract (to obtain a credit).
  • exam contract (to obtain a degree).
Co-ordinator: Deneut Tijl
Teaching staff are not (all) known yet.
Language course: No
Languages: English


There are no prerequisites for this course.


The student identifies possible security problems (incl. data privacy) related to an IT solution or system in an organisation
The students divides data in a logical way
The student identifies the exceptional situations (necessity of a monitoring system) of an IT-solution/system
The student explains the terminology of an IT component and solution
The student identifies the to be configured and installed IT components and solutions in an IT system
The student identifies problems in implementing or designing IT components

The student creates the appropriate documents using the correct methodology for the analysis of a company request or need
The student executes a pen test on the IT solutions or systems of an organisation
The student chooses the most appropriate way to collect data for a specific application
The student estimates the impact of choices made in the one who comes after in working on the IT solution, the enduser, the customer, the company or society
The student names the suited internal and external actors that are relevant in the advice concerning an IT solution (and its follow-up) after a prior analysis

Integrate (simple)
The student identifies a company request or need to which an IT solution can provide an answer within a given context
The student audits the implementation or design and quality control of the IT system or solution critically
The student systematically uses the correct methods, technology & tools according to best practices, within the given company context
The student formulates an advice concerning a complicated IT system for a specific organisation



  • Reconnaissance
  • Scanning
  • Enumeration
  • System Hacking
  • Sniffers     
  • Password Auditing
  • Hacking Wireless Networks
  • Pivoting
  • Post Exploitation

* All content contained herein is subject to change without notice

Study materials

Lecturer's courseMandatory

Learning outcomes

PBATI01: The professional bachelor ACS analyses a problem, converts this into an IT context and represents the information needs of an organisation in a structured way by using analysis and modelling techniques.
PBATI01The professional bachelor ACS analyses a problem, converts this into an IT context and represents the information needs of an organisation in a structured way by using analysis and modelling techniques.
PBATI02: The professional bachelor ACS critically collects, interprets and converts process and data information, stores these and puts these at the disposal, so that they can be retrieved in a correct and efficient way.
PBATI02The professional bachelor ACS critically collects, interprets and converts process and data information, stores these and puts these at the disposal, so that they can be retrieved in a correct and efficient way.
PBATI04: The professional bachelor ACS installs, configures, secures, maintains and supports complex IT solutions and adjusts these so that they continuously meet the changing needs of an organisation.
PBATI04The professional bachelor ACS installs, configures, secures, maintains and supports complex IT solutions and adjusts these so that they continuously meet the changing needs of an organisation.
PBATI05: The professional bachelor ACS acts in a deontological and socially responsible way, in accordance with the company and organisation context, regulations, best practices and strategies in the national and international IT domain on the basis of his own views and knowledge.
PBATI05The professional bachelor ACS acts in a deontological and socially responsible way, in accordance with the company and organisation context, regulations, best practices and strategies in the national and international IT domain on the basis of his own views and knowledge.


Evaluation(s) for first exam chance
exam period 2 (2nd sem) (regular exam schedule)exam: pc50,00
Permanente evaluatienon-period-bound evaluation: other method or combination of methods (Permanent evaluation)50,00Handing in writeups (weekly) and audit report (once with deadline)
Evaluation(s) for re-sit exam
exam period 3 (august/september) (regular exam schedule)exam: pc70,00
exam period 3 (outside exam schedule)assignment: written30,00