Hogeschool West-Vlaanderen
Howest Brugge
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Cultural and Socio-economic Introduction to Belgium10422/1507/2223/1/49
Study guide

Cultural and Socio-economic Introduction to Belgium

Academic year 2022-23
Is found in:
  • Applied Computer Science 2 - Ba Applied Computer Science, programme stage 2
This is a single course unit.
Study load: 3 credits
Total study time: 75,00 hours
Re-sit exam: is possible.
It is not possible to enrol in this course unit under
  • exam contract (to obtain a credit).
  • exam contract (to obtain a degree).
Co-ordinator: Theys Lieven
Other teaching staff: Coopman Ilse, Van Den Driessche Pol
Language course: No
Languages: Dutch, English


There are no prerequisites for this course.


Cross-cultural communication has become essential in this postmillennium world: there is a very strong imperative for you to communicate competently - in both your public and private lives - with people whose cultural heritage makes them different from you. The aim of this course is to provide you with the knowledge, motivation and skills to accomplish that objective.



In this module you will learn about Belgian and Flemish culture (history, architecture, literature, music, ...), political structure and socio-economic data, all in comparison to the socioeconomic data of your home country. This module includes a survival course Dutch, a cultural and historical walk through Bruges, and if possible, also a visit to the Parlamentarium and the European Parliament in Brussels and an additional visit specifically linked to the English-taught semester you follow.

- History of Flanders & Belgium
- Political system in Belgium & Europe
- Belgian Economy
- Health & Wellfare system in Belgium
- Crash course Dutch

Learning Outcomes

A student in this course efficiently communicates in a professional way, orally and/or in writing, in an international context by being physically or virtually present hereby using communication technologies, in English and also partially in Dutch.

A student in this course functions as a New Young Professional in a team-oriented, deontological and professional way, including being able to cooperate with people from different cultural backgrounds.In this module you will learn about Belgian and Flemish culture (history, architecture, literature, music, ...), political structure and socio-economic data, all in comparison to the socioeconomic data of your home country. This module includes a survival course Dutch and a cultural and historical walk through Bruges.

Study materials


Learning outcomes

PBAINT01: The graduate efficiently communicates in a professional way, orally and/or in writing, in an international business context by being physically or virtually present hereby using communication technologies, in English.
PBAINT01The graduate efficiently communicates in a professional way, orally and/or in writing, in an international business context by being physically or virtually present hereby using communication technologies, in English.
PBAINT02: The graduate understands the Flemish culture and Belgian organisational and political structure and reflects on own cultural background
PBAINT02The graduate understands the Flemish culture and Belgian organisational and political structure and reflects on own cultural background


  • Lecture
  • Independent work
  • Extramural activity


Evaluation(s) for first exam chance
exam period 2 (outside exam schedule)assignment: specific method or combination of methods100,00Task 1. (A) specific task(s) in the framework of this course. Follow the instructions of the head lecturer.
Task 2. Present yourself, your country and home institution to Howest students.
Task 3. Reflect on your stay in Belgium and your study at Howest and/or make a presentation about Belgium and Howest for students at your home institution.
Task 4. Participate in the visits (participation is compulsory)
Evaluation(s) for re-sit exam
exam period 3 (outside exam schedule)assignment: specific method or combination of methods100,00Tasks equivalent to those mentioned above