Hogeschool West-Vlaanderen
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Bachelor's thesis9939/1353/2122/1/88
Study guide

Bachelor's thesis

Academic year 2021-22
Is found in:
  • Bachelor of digital design & development, programme stage 5
    Programme option:
    • Expert Creative Technology
    • Expert Digital Design
    • Expert UX Research
This is a single course unit.
Study load: 12 credits
Total study time: 300,00 hours
Re-sit exam: not possible.
It is not possible to enrol in this course unit under
  • credit contract.
  • exam contract (to obtain a credit).
  • exam contract (to obtain a degree).
Teaching staff: Baert Frédéric, Bosschaert Cami, Coudeville Simon, Cremers Jynse, Delanghe Klaus, De Rycke Ellen, Diependael Kimberly, Vanherweghe Simon, Verweirder Wouter
Language course: No
Languages: Dutch, English


having passed, or having a deliberated mark for Integration 3 AND having passed, or having a deliberated mark for Integration 4.


OLR01-X-01 Pursues distinctive and surprising combinations. Invents concepts in non-obvious situations.
OLR02-G-04 Can independently find qualitative and reliable sources within a field-specific context.
OLR02-X-01 Structures an interdisciplinary project in several phases, whereby he/she takes the deadline into account and reckons with possible factors that may influence the improvement of the delivery conditions and adjusts this process where necessary.
OLR02-X-02 In an iterative process, tests the design choices made against the conclusions from the analysis.
OLR02-X-03 Can propose the best solution strategies for a specific analysis and divide these into smaller partial solutions.
OLR02-X-04 Involves the target group on several moments throughout the development of a project.
OLR02-X-05 Is able to objectively estimate the feasibility of solutions and prioritize these.
OLR03-G-01 Converts an analysis made and conclusions into a creative design for the screen.
OLR03-G-02 Takes the technological possibilities and challenges into account.
OLR03-G-03 Assesses independently on a regular basis the current situation of the design in relation to the intended objective and the conclusions from the analysis.
OLR03-G-04 Prepares the design for technical implementation.
OLR03-G-05 Uses an artistic visual language with knowledge of the medium.
OLR03-G-06 Can recognize several graphical styles and can personally converts these in function of an online project/digital frame.
OLR03-X-01 Can implement his/her personal artistic visual language for several contexts.
OLR04-G-03 Reports the technical implementation of an interactive multimedia application by means of an existing documentation type.
OLR04-X-01 Combines and applies the most appropriate digital technologies for the intended objective.
OLR04-X-02 Implements several design patterns in a correct way in several parts of an interactive multimedia application.
OLR04-X-03 Build functional prototypes in an iterative process of the chosen solutions.
OLR05-G-03 Tests the design choices made with the stakeholders in an iterative process.
OLR05-G-05 Is oriented towards an optimal and smooth user experience.
OLR05-X-01 Is oriented towards the creation of positive value for both society and human being.
OLR05-X-02 Makes substantial interdisciplinary connections for complex issues and searches for solutions outside his/her own sector.
OLR05-X-03 Proactively and autonomously detects where there are possibilities for digital innovation on both the local and the global scale.
OLR06-G-01 Presents choices made to professional and to laymen.
OLR06-G-04 Selects the appropriate communication channels to spread a story.
OLR06-G-05 Can build up a story that joins the target group around a product, a brand, a service or an organization.
OLR06-X-01 Can convince others of choices made and of a concept.
OLR07-X-01 Voluntarily searches for new technical innovations and trends in the sector.
OLR07-X-02 Classifies new information sources from the international sector according to the fact whether or not these are innovative or trendsetting.
OLR08-G-02 During the development of a concept, thinks of the social, cultural and/or economic added value for the target group.
OLR08-X-01 The student takes the social context into account in which he/she lives and the implications that multumedial applications may cause to that social context.
OLR09-G-02 Works proactively.
OLR09-G-03 Achieves the intended final objective as a team within a profession-specific context in a constructive and professional way.
OLR09-G-04 Can identify and define issues in the operation of a team.
OLR09-G-05 Works on a positive team culture.
OLR09-G-06 Takes responsibility for the assignments when executing a team role.
OLR09-X-01 Addresses others as to their roles within the team.
OLR09-X-02 Stimulates innovation with others.
OLR10-G-01 Tracks down critical errors in the technical implementation of the several parts of an interactive multimedia application.
OLR10-G-02 Can synthetize feedback of several parties and convert it into his/her own substantiated choices.
OLR10-G-03 Searches feedback in several ways both of peers and superiors during the design process of a creative multimedia application.
OLR10-G-04 Continuously critically assesses the design made.
OLR10-X-01 Gives feedback to peers in a constructive way.

Study materials

Test formsMandatory
  • Publisher: Figma
Adobe Creative CloudMandatory
  • Author: Adobe
  • Publisher: Adobe
  • Edition: Recentste versie

Learning outcomes

PBADEVINE01: Uses several methods to analyse a briefing and to come to a digital interactive concept.
PBADEVINE01Uses several methods to analyse a briefing and to come to a digital interactive concept.
PBADEVINE02: Applies an appropriate work or research methodology in the different phases of a project to evolve from a creative concept to an operational final result.
PBADEVINE02Applies an appropriate work or research methodology in the different phases of a project to evolve from a creative concept to an operational final result.
PBADEVINE03: Has the necessary artistic design skills and the knowledge of the medium to realise a personal and creative project within the broad spectrum of digital interaction.
PBADEVINE03Has the necessary artistic design skills and the knowledge of the medium to realise a personal and creative project within the broad spectrum of digital interaction.
PBADEVINE04: Develops digital interaction with knowledge and insight in the present technological possibilities and experiments with future possibilities.
PBADEVINE04Develops digital interaction with knowledge and insight in the present technological possibilities and experiments with future possibilities.
PBADEVINE05: Starts with the development of a digital interactive project with an inquiring and empathic attitude, reckoning with both the uniqueness and the stakeholders.
PBADEVINE05Starts with the development of a digital interactive project with an inquiring and empathic attitude, reckoning with both the uniqueness and the stakeholders.
PBADEVINE06: Is communicative and socially skilled to communicate in every phase of a project with specialists and/or laymen within a(n) (inter)national company-specific framework.
PBADEVINE06Is communicative and socially skilled to communicate in every phase of a project with specialists and/or laymen within a(n) (inter)national company-specific framework.
PBADEVINE07: Critically follows and assesses domain-specific international trends and evolutions and integrates these in a personal, professional development plan.
PBADEVINE07Critically follows and assesses domain-specific international trends and evolutions and integrates these in a personal, professional development plan.
PBADEVINE08: Is aware of the international digital, creative industry and the cultural and societal impact of digital interaction on this industry.
PBADEVINE08Is aware of the international digital, creative industry and the cultural and societal impact of digital interaction on this industry.
PBADEVINE09: Is socially skilled to solve problems in consultation with others in a(n) (interdisciplinary) project.
PBADEVINE09Is socially skilled to solve problems in consultation with others in a(n) (interdisciplinary) project.
PBADEVINE10: Has a critical and investigative attitude with regard to his own creations.
PBADEVINE10Has a critical and investigative attitude with regard to his own creations.


  • Independent work
  • Cooperative learning format
  • Project
  • Bachelor's thesis
  • Extramural activity


Evaluation(s) for both exam chances, not reproducible in re-sit exam
exam period 1 (outside exam schedule)assignment: specific method or combination of methods100,00Projectweek - Bachelorproef